Be alive, believe in yourself!

When we struggle or lose faith, how can we rekindle our belief in ourselves?

It can be very easy for us to get discredited with ourselves if we focus our daily lives on what society says we should value rather than what we really need. But, through my journey,I have learned these five strategies that help you to put your life’s path in what really matters and help to recover that genuine trust that once, for sure, you had it.

So, try these five strategies:

#1. Get Momentum.

t’s the small wins that give us confidence for greater achievements. Seek to achieve just three goals every day. These don’t have to be earth-moving, life-changing goals—as you get more wins you’ll start feeling better about yourself and be ready to start working bigger goals.

#2. Integrate the Wins into Your Identity.

After you get a win, integrate it. This means you should take a moment to appreciate what you’ve done, to give yourself credit, to be thankful for any support you received from others. This won’t happen automatically. You literally need to schedule time each night to reflect on the day, remember the small wins, and feel them. That’s the psychological secret to believing in yourself more – allowing yourself time to continually notice and feel the wins so you can appreciate your efforts, strength and momentum.

#3. Get feedback.

If you truly doubt yourself, then go ask those you know and trust for some feedback. Ask, “What do you think I’m good at? What do you think makes me a good person? What should I work on to get better?” Their words will inspire or at least direct you. Sometimes we need that outside perspective.#4. Valorize as emoções.

#4.  Value emotions.

What do you really want to feel every day? Happiness? Joy? Fun? These emotions can be generated in your mind without any external achievement. Just sit still with your eyes closed and summon the emotions you want to experience. Or read an inspirational passage from your favorite book, speaking aloud with real emotion and power. Try something like these ideas every morning to set yourself up for a great day.

#5. Love yourself. You are unique among the seven billion-plus people on this planet. Recognize and honor that uniqueness. You don’t have to make excuses or dismiss your powers or heart. It’s okay to feel pride and love for yourself. Take a moment now and just be grateful for who you are, for your desire to improve, for the blessings of your life and breath. Love that you are alive.

Written by: Talita Moretti

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