Category Archives: Personal development

Steps for the change

So many people have the wish to transform, change, and reinvent themselves. Some of them wait until something unexpected happens or only postpone it to another month, or year. And time is passing by….But why do you not start now? Today?

Improving your lifestyle

Lots of people wish to improve their lifestyle. Physical and financial pillars are among the “tops” areas of highest desire. However, conquering quality lifestyles means improve much more than such “tops” areas. I can, at least, suggest 5 areas to work on.

Full Life

Few people report having one, singular life purpose. This is a myth that grew out of the time in which we were trapped in certain types of jobs, because, years ago, people had to choose to be a baker or a blacksmith, and because you died young, in your 30s or 40s, you had to choose quickly […]