Monthly Archives: October 2018

Improving your lifestyle

Lots of people wish to improve their lifestyle. Physical and financial pillars are among the “tops” areas of highest desire. However, conquering quality lifestyles means improve much more than such “tops” areas. I can, at least, suggest 5 areas to work on.

Full Life

Few people report having one, singular life purpose. This is a myth that grew out of the time in which we were trapped in certain types of jobs, because, years ago, people had to choose to be a baker or a blacksmith, and because you died young, in your 30s or 40s, you had to choose quickly […]

How we get back your good energy?

How can we recover our good vibration and that connection to life that has been lost for whatever reason: being in the process of super stress or even so busy to the point of walking with the tide in the heat or temperature of the emotions from where and in some ways this may even […]