How we get back your good energy?

How can we recover our good vibration and that connection to life that has been lost for whatever reason: being in the process of super stress or even so busy to the point of walking with the tide in the heat or temperature of the emotions from where and in some ways this may even be favorable for some time and sometimes not, but in both cases this leads you to distance yourself from your “true you” if you do not learn to act intentionally. And it is necessary to be congruent for being intentional.

To understand how this works you must know the reality is that people are currently feeling so oppressed, pressured because there are so many paths, chances, opportunities that can be chosen and pursued, many courses to be offered and desired, so many initiatives to be taken, so many new products to create, people to hiring or firing … and there is this challenge of knowing how to deal with everything at the same time and sometimes, and if this is one of your cases, I see that the postures that most people assume: one face their day completely stressed, or second , face their day influenced by the emotions of the moment.

And no matter what your stance, both mean you’ve lost your way, “your track.” And that goes far beyond loss of focus, or enthusiasm, these most common points being raised by people when they realize they are not advancing.

The fact is, people have stopped spending time on the things that really set them on fire that bring their life fire. And the same thing that happens in a relationship: if the couple does not have time to think about their relationship, how good the relationship between them together, about their vision together, will end up losing the connection with the person, until they have connection. And this is true even for our lives as individuals. If we are not mindful of our lives, if we do not pay attention to our lives, how we feel on a daily basis and how our lives are moving, if we are being intentional, aligned as our unique and unique identity, we can quickly lose connection. And we come here with these points, because the purpose of all this text here is of we know how to bring it back? And as we recover that good vibration / energy and connection we lost by super stressed or overly busy pore star.


It is an inherent necessity for any human being. Since we do not live what we preach / speak, we take a path of inner frustration, and disconnection with our essence. This path leads to things that are not good. The person may even no longer feel himself. So, try to be congruent.


We feel a deep sense of esteem and connection when we are congruent with the best of ourselves (item 1) and with the vision we have of ourselves for the future (his “next level” as a person). Define who you want to be and align your actions with that vision until you live your 100% VISION. Know that we will never be perfect, but to be better every day, aligned with the vision you have of yourself, it makes progressing progressively, increasing our feeling connection with our self. This brings joy to the present moment and enthusiasm for what we are going to pursue because it is targeting your energy for your vision (positive thinking about own future).


Have that vision firmly on you and your future (vision) and be faithful to it. She is the same as knowing how to take care and make prosper the “your garden” that is your life. Always, always, take the time to think who you are today, knowing your vision of the future and walking in congruence to them, and always seeking and doing what can be done to get there (your vision of the future). Being faithful to this path means to really know how to take care of your life, in a connected way, being congruent with what you think of yourself and what you do. Once you have this inner connection (of whom you + vision of the future) with the external (what you do to get there), your life will never be guided by the lives of others around you, by external conditions and yes, guided by your dreams , and its essence.

Deliver the best of you every day!

Written by: Tali Moretti