Improving your lifestyle

Lots of people wish to improve their lifestyle. Physical and financial pillars are among the “tops” areas of highest desire. However, conquering quality lifestyles means improve much more than such “tops” areas. I can, at least, suggest 5 areas to work on.

I faithfully believe that if you raise your standards in these 5 areas below, you will dramatically improve your lifestyle. They are:


#1. Health

Health goes far beyond a beautiful physique, and esthetically healthy. It involves physiological, mental, soul as well as spiritual side.

Have you ever said, “This is going to be the year I get in the best health of my life”? If not, this is the year to do it. Improve your health and becoming happier and more energized and effective happens almost automatically.

Raise your standards on how much sleep you get and how well you eat and take care of your body.

#2. Focus

Distraction is stealing our lives. Get more focused on what you desire in this hour, this day, this life. Bring your awareness to this moment and what you want to be doing and experiencing now.

That will help you be more conscious and more easily spot distractions.

#3. Boldness

Where you are in life right now is a direct reflection of how bold you’ve been up to this point. How boldly do you share yourself, your ideas, your needs and dreams with the world? How courageous have you been to fight after you’ve fallen down.

Demand of yourself to be more bold and you’ll feel more confident and influential over time.

#4. Joy

Do you expect that you’re going to have fun today and in life? Better yet, do you demand of yourself to be the person who brings the joy, who has fun and helps others have fun no matter what? Joy is a choice not a happenstance blessing.

Bring the joy!

#5. Kindness

People are so driven and distracted that they’ve often lost the awareness to be kind to others. They might call themselves compassionate, but they are not kind. Kindness is compassion activated – you actually show you care through your actions.

Raising your standard here will help you reach higher levels of happiness, service, and humanity.


Written by: Talita Moretti